Vertex buffer object (VBO) is a new method used to describe geometric primitives. It had been introduced by
NV_vertex_array_range and ATI_vertex_array_object extensions promoted to ARB_vertex_buffer_object and finally
integrated into the OpenGL 1.5 specification. VBO should be the only way to describe geometric primitives with OpenGL LM.
OpenGL LM is the ARB project about simplification of OpenGL API in order to ease graphics card drivers
optimisations. Its goal is to compete with Direct Graphics in the field of video games and it should be based
on OpenGL 3.0 specifications. ARB aims to simplify OpenGL API which was expected by many developers for OpenGL 2.0.
As a result, some features should disappear, such as immediate mode, vertex arrays and specific cases like glRect as well .
VBOs are supported by hardware featuring OpenGL 1.5 or the ARB_vertex_buffer_object extension, which is the case for
the nVidia TNT series and the first ATI Radeon video controllers. However, all features aren’t always available and even some
of them are not even supported by any of the actual graphic controllers.
Features, efficiency and longevity are three reasons to use VBOs as soon as possible.