Ok let's go for a little test. I used SpeedFan 4.32 to get the CPU cores temperatures.
I also checked them with Intel Thermal Analysis Tool 2.05 to be sure.
Here is the CPU temperatures with the Core2Duo box cooler, without CPU load (around 5 min after the computer start):
and now with the Silent Knight in the same conditions:
We have lost almost 15°C!
And now the temperatures with CPU load. To do the load test, I used AOGen CPU Burner. AOGen CPU Burner is cool because
it's multithreaded so only one instance is necessary to test a multi-cores cpu. I start AOGen CPU Burner in command line with the following parameters:
aogen_cpu_burner.exe -t 2 -s 32
With these parameters, the CPU load lasts around 6 min.:
Here is the CPU temperatures with the Core2Duo box cooler and after around 5 min. of CPU load:
And here after, the CPU temperatures with the Silent Knight in the same conditions:
Again, the temperature dropped almost 23°C. The Silent Knight does his job correctly and very silently!