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The <skybox> node


The skybox node allows to create a skybox. A skybox is a cube made up of 6 images (textures) of which the 6 internal faces are displayed behind all the other objects of the 3d scene, thus giving the illusion of a realistic 3d environment. The center of the skybox is aligned on the position of the camera making it impossible to reach the edges of the skybox.

General syntax

	render="TRUE" >

		uv_map_op="NO_SWAP" />

		uv_map_op="NO_SWAP" />

		uv_map_op="NO_SWAP" />

		uv_map_op="NO_SWAP" />

		uv_map_op="NO_SWAP" />

		uv_map_op="NO_SWAP" />

skybox element

skybox is the xml tag that defines a skybox node.

  • name - [STR127] - name of the node. This name will make it possible to refer this node throughout the XML script.

  • render - [BOOLEAN] - displays (TRUE) or hides (FALSE) the skybox - default value: TRUE

  • group - [STR127] - name of the group in which to add the current node. A group makes it possible to control the behavior of several objects in a single way.

xpos_face element

xpos_face specifies the texture (image) located on the right (along the x axis in the positive direction). This tag has only xml attributes.

  • filename - [STR255] - location of the texture file of the cubemap face. The path is relating to the xml script.
  • uv_map_op - [ENUM] - specifies the operation to be performed on the texture coordinates in order to correct the texture direction:
    • NO_SWAP: operation without effect: leave the textures coordinates unchanged - default value
    • SWAP_U: inverts the U coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the axis of the Y.
    • SWAP_V: inverts the V coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the x axis.
    • SWAP_UV: inverts the U and V coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the Y and X axis.

xneg_face element

xneg_face specifies the texture (image) located on the left (along the x axis in the negative direction). This tag has only xml attributes:

  • filename - [STR255] - location of the texture file of the cubemap face. The path is relating to the xml script.
  • uv_map_op - [ENUM] - specifies the operation to be performed on the texture coordinates in order to correct the texture direction:
    • NO_SWAP: operation without effect: leave the textures coordinates unchanged - default value
    • SWAP_U: inverts the U coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the axis of the Y.
    • SWAP_V: inverts the V coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the x axis.
    • SWAP_UV: inverts the U and V coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the Y and X axis.

ypos_face element

ypos_face specifies the texture (image) located in top (along the y axis in the positive direction). This tag has only xml attributes:

  • filename - [STR255] - location of the texture file of the cubemap face. The path is relating to the xml script.
  • uv_map_op - [ENUM] - specifies the operation to be performed on the texture coordinates in order to correct the texture direction:
    • NO_SWAP: operation without effect: leave the textures coordinates unchanged - default value
    • SWAP_U: inverts the U coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the axis of the Y.
    • SWAP_V: inverts the V coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the x axis.
    • SWAP_UV: inverts the U and V coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the Y and X axis.

yneg_face element

yneg_face specifies the texture (image) located in bottom (along the y axis in the negative direction). This tag has only xml attributes:

  • filename - [STR255] - location of the texture file of the cubemap face. The path is relating to the xml script.
  • uv_map_op - [ENUM] - specifies the operation to be performed on the texture coordinates in order to correct the texture direction:
    • NO_SWAP: operation without effect: leave the textures coordinates unchanged - default value
    • SWAP_U: inverts the U coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the axis of the Y.
    • SWAP_V: inverts the V coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the x axis.
    • SWAP_UV: inverts the U and V coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the Y and X axis.

zpos_face element

zpos_face specifies the texture (image) located behind the camera (face) - along the axis of Z in positive direction. This tag has only xml attributes:

  • filename - [STR255] - location of the texture file of the cubemap face. The path is relating to the xml script.
  • uv_map_op - [ENUM] - specifies the operation to be performed on the texture coordinates in order to correct the texture direction:
    • NO_SWAP: operation without effect: leave the textures coordinates unchanged - default value
    • SWAP_U: inverts the U coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the axis of the Y.
    • SWAP_V: inverts the V coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the x axis.
    • SWAP_UV: inverts the U and V coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the Y and X axis.

zneg_face element

zneg_face specifies the texture (image) located in front of the camera (back) - along the axis of Z in the negative direction. This tag has only xml attributes:

  • filename - [STR255] - location of the texture file of the cubemap face. The path is relating to the xml script.
  • uv_map_op - [ENUM] - specifies the operation to be performed on the texture coordinates in order to correct the texture direction:
    • NO_SWAP: operation without effect: leave the textures coordinates unchanged - default value
    • SWAP_U: inverts the U coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the axis of the Y.
    • SWAP_V: inverts the V coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the x axis.
    • SWAP_UV: inverts the U and V coordinates: texture is reversed in relation to the Y and X axis.

GeeXLab demos

GLSL - Mesh exploder

PhysX 3 cloth demo

Normal visualizer with GS

Compute Shaders test on Radeon

Raymarching in GLSL

>Texture DataPack #1
>Asus Silent Knight CPU Cooler
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